Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hello? (and a Macaron Bake Up. Yay!!)

I was going to start with "Hey everyone, it's been a while!"  but that would be a massive understatement.

It's been just over a year since my last post (O.M.G).
So many things had happened, but I still remember clearly the day I wrote my last post.  I was actually started to plan and write my next post (which is not this one) - I was going to write about our wedding, before it got too late and stale, because at that time we knew something else was going to happen in the next few months.

Well.. obviously, the wedding story got stale.... even what was suppose to be the next story after that also got a bit stale.... *sigh.

If you happen to follow my Instagram, I'm sure you know what happened.  We had a baby!!.

Well, not quite a baby anymore.

She's not yet one, but she's shown so much character.  Definitely not  a baby anymore.

On the cake front... Yes we are still making cakes - just in case you are all wondering, with the lack of posts here and on facebook.  We are, I have to admit, have been limiting the number of orders that we are taking for obvious reasons - but be sure to know that I am still enjoying creating little things for celebrations very much so :)

Tomorrow (yes, tomorrow, not next year.  I've actually typed it up and scheduled it to go up ^_- ) I'm sharing a few things we've done lately - kiddies things - because funny how things in your life just seem to fall into place at certain time of your life - well, I think so anyway.

In the meantime though, I think a macaron bake up is in order.  It's been a while since I did one (seems to be the trend isn't it?)  It has also been a while because I don't want to bombard you guys with macarons every month. ;)

So here are the details for the JULY '14 Macarons Bake Up!!

This time, we are going on a theme of teas and cheesecakes...  Why? Because teas and cheesecakes are lovely things :P

Flavours : 
- Earl Grey
- Cinnamon Chai
- Green Tea
- Thai Milk Tea
- Strawberry Cheesecake
- Lemon Cheesecake
- Oreo Cheesecake
- Mac & Cheese (indo cheesecake)

Price : $25 / dozen

Date & Time :
Order by : 9am, Tuesday, 15th July 2014

Ready by : Friday, 18th July 2014
Pick up from : Kensington

Email me on to put in your order. Have a mixed of all of the flavours, or specify which flavours you like.

Go on, send me an email!!


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